Oct 20, 2024
Oct 13, 2024
Oct 06, 2024
Sep 29, 2024
Sep 22, 2024
Sep 15, 2024
Sep 08, 2024
Connect with us!
I’m interested in serving! Can I have more information about:
Grace KidsGrace StudentsGrace CreativeFirst ImpressionsUshersCafe/Hospitality
General Information:
Do have (regularly use) Facebook:YesNo
Preferred form of communication:
phone calltextemail
Other individuals (including spouse, children, others) who also live at the same address?:
Will you be serving with your spouse or children? If so, please list their names (grade level, if applicable below):
Ministry Information
Have you personally and publicly accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and are you committed to striving to display the character of Jesus through your life?
If yes, briefly describe your relationship with Jesus Christ:
Do you regularly attend our worship services?
If yes, when did you start attending?
Are you currently serving in another church ministry? If so, please list:
Check all the areas you are interested in serving in:
Nursery (birth to age 2)Toddler (2s & 3s)Pre-K (4s & 5s)Elementary (Kindergarten - Grade 4)Tech/Media SpecialistCheck In/GreeterBehind the ScenesSpecial Needs Buddy
Service you would like to volunteer:
How often would you like to serve?
Twice a monthWeeklyOnce a month
Please List Reasons You Want to Serve in GraceKids:
Please List Any: Past Experiences with Children/Spiritual Gifts/Leadership Experience:
Anything else you’d like to share:
References: List 2 adults you have known for at least 2 years, who are not related to you, who have specific knowledge of your character and ability to work with children and who fit the classifications set forth below.
1. Name:
2. Name:
Personal Disclosure Information:
Is there any fact, circumstance, or pattern involving your background that would make it inappropriate for you to serve with minors or would compromise the integrity of the church?
If so please explain:
I hereby authorize Grace Church to verify all information contained in this application from any listed references. Should my application be accepted, I agree to follow the policies of Grace Church and to refrain from unscriptural conduct in the performance of my services on behalf of the church. I understand that this personal information will be held confidential by the church staff.
Applicants Signature:
Best way to contact you?
In what ways are you growing your faith? (Attending Church/ Youth Group/Prayer/Bible Study, etc….)
Nursery (birth to age 2)Toddler (2s & 3s)Pre-K (4s & 5s)Elementary (Kindergarten - Grade 4)Tech/Media SpecialistCheck In/GreeterSpecial Needs HelperBehind the Scenes
References: List 2 adults who have specific knowledge of your character and ability to work with children and who fit the classifications set forth below.
Parent Signature: