In GraceKids, we LOVE JESUS, BUILD KIDS, and LEAD REVIVAL. We are a Jesus Church Where the Gospel is Central. We strive to help families lead their children in becoming passionate followers of Jesus. In GraceKids, your child will feel God’s crazy love while having ridiculous fun! They will learn about Jesus in a safe, secure, fun, and exciting environment. We are a House of Champions Where Young People Can Thrive!
GraceKids is offered during both services at 9am and 10:45am.
Check in will be fast and easy!
Please plan to arrive 15-20 minutes before the service starts. When you arrive, look for the area designated New Family Check In. We will greet your family there and register your child for the appropriate environment!
After you are registered, you and your child will be given matching security tags that are unique to your family. Your child will wear the nametag, and you will keep the matching security tag. A friendly greeter will walk you and your child to their environment, where you can meet the teacher and receive any instructions needed!
During check out, present your security tag in order for your children to be released to you. If your child needs you during the service, we'll contact you via text message. Please stop at Guest Services on your way out to pick up gift bags for you and your child!
For More Information, contact our Director of GraceKids!
Alli Swords
GraceKids Director
[email protected]
As part of the GraceKids team, you will love on and disciple children! Our team supports parents (and caregivers) by providing age-appropriate care and biblical teaching for children from nursery to Grade 4. Team members have many different opportunities to serve from comforting babies, teaching roles, helpers, check-in, and more!
All of our team members must love Jesus and love children in order to serve!! Team members 18 years of age and older are required to have background checks in order to work with kids, but we will walk you through that process. Parent permission is needed for volunteers under the age of 18.
Immediate Needs are:
Elementary Teachers (9:00)
Elementary Teacher (10:30)
Elementary Helper (10:30)
Nursery Helpers (Both Services)
If you're interested in serving with GraceKids, we'd absolutely love to get connected with you! Click below to get started.
Alli Swords
Grace Kids Director
[email protected]
Courtney Murphy
Grace Kids Coordinator
[email protected]
Get connected with us on Instagram and by email.
Parents, stay in the know with a weekly parent email!
Sign me up!There’s various roles within the Grace Youth team, click here to start the conversation about joining the team!
Email DaveWhether you sing or play an instrument or you want to jump into Grace Tech and learn how to run audio, run a camera, or any other tech roles, we would love to have you on team!
Click here to start that conversation